Internet Slowdown Day

Today is Internet Slowdown Day, the day where Internet users, big tech companies, and those that are in between things to believe in band together to fight the ever-present threat against Net Neutrality.  Some of the biggest tech companies around such as Netflix, Mozilla, and Reddit are banding together to get the word out that the changes currently being discussed at the FCC can have real consequences unless we all do something about it and make our voices heard.


Why you should care

Unlike the Internet Blackout of 2012, these companies aren’t actually slowing down their services but are instead trying to raise awareness about the changes big cable companies are trying to make so that they can charge companies like Netflix and Amazon money to deliver content to their customers faster.  Now I know what you’re thinking, “Why do I care if these companies have to pay money?”

First of all, if these companies have to pay more money, you will too.  Netflix will inevitably have to increase their prices again, as will other streaming services as the noose of these fees tightens around their throat.  Second, these fees would most assuredly be pretty steep, costs that a start-up couldn’t afford, and therefore the Internet would favor established brands, making it much more difficult for the little guy to get ahead.  After all, isn’t that the great thing about the Internet?  A couple of guys can code a website in their dorm room that will eventually become an integral part of our lives?  Where would companies like Google and Facebook be if Yahoo and MySpace had an edge up on them because they could afford these sorts of fees?

What you can do

I urge you to take action.  Several organizations have made this extremely easy.  Visit the Electronic Frontier Foundations DearFCC website to fill out a simple form to submit your letter to the FCC.  Or visit BattleForTheNet to learn more.  Just make sure you act soon, the FCC closes comments on September 15th.


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One Comment

  1. Done! Thanks for getting the word out about such an important issue!

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